By submitting this form, I/we the Seller/s acknowledge and agree that
(a) We, the Sellers, authorise the Law Practice to take instructions from any one of us on behalf of all of us unless we inform you that the authority of any person to provide instructions is withdrawn.
(b) I/We understand that the Buyer is not obligated to grant any extensions of time, that the Law Practice may not take any steps without my/our instructions and that I/we may lose rights or (in some circumstances) the Buyer may terminate the Contract if I am/we are not available to provide instructions when required. Therefore, if the Law Practice is unable to contact me/us on a critical Contract or special condition date, I/we authorise the Law Practice to seek an extension of time for the relevant due date until such time as the Law Practice is able to contact me/us for instructions. I/We understand that in this case without my/our instructions the Law Practice cannot vary the Contract or negotiate the payment of interest as a condition of the extension. If the Buyer requests an extension of time and you are unable to contact me/us, I/we understand that you will be proceeding on the basis that the extension will not be granted and will inform the Buyer accordingly if necessary reserving my/our rights.
(c) We agree that the Law Practice may destroy my/our file relating to this transaction on the earlier of:
a. any specified time agreed between the Law Practice and me/us (such as a timeframe specified in a costs agreement or retainer); or
b. seven years after settlement of my/our transaction or the termination of my/our engagement.
(d) I/We:
a. acknowledge that in acting on my/our behalf in connection with the sale of the Property, the Law Practice will rely on the information provided in answers to this questionnaire;
b. authorise the Law Practice to complete such forms and make such declarations on my/our behalf as are necessary to conduct and complete the sale of the Property, including any forms for an electronic settlement (Required Forms and Declarations); and
c. declare that the information provided in answers to this questionnaire is true and correct and may be used by and relied on by the Law Practice in completing the Required Forms and Declarations.